Theme Documentation > Announcement bar

Announcement bar

Announcement bar

The Announcement bar is designed to contain messages about your store or services. Typically, merchants use this to display messages about offers, discount codes or shipping information. You can show or hide the announcement bar depending on your preference or current promotions.

Announcement blocks

You can add up to 3 announcements. Each announcement will display for a few seconds before fading to the next announcement. You can change the time period of the delay in settings (see below).


Bar style

Choose from full width or floating.

  • Full width - the bar will span the full width of the screen

  • Floating - the bar will have space around it so will ‘float’ over the background

Border opacity

Set the shade of the bottom border from 0-100%.

Corner radius

Sets the shape of the corners of the announcement bar. Choose from a rounded look or square edges. As a general rule, you should match this with your main header bar settings for a uniform look.

Animation style

Choose from 'fade' or 'slide' depending on your preference (V1.1.0 only).

Announcement time period

This setting applies if you have more than one announcement. It sets the time delay between showing the different announcements.

Font size

Set the font size for both mobile and desktop. When changing font sizes, always check your store on different devices to double check your text still fits comfortably within the space.

Tip: Keep announcement text short and succinct. Long text will not fit comfortably within the bar. Be sure to check your announcement looks, especially on mobile.