Theme Documentation > Collections


The default collection template will be applied to every collection page. The template contains three sections as described below.

Collection header

The header provides a number of layout options to choose from.

Collection sub navigation

This can be included if required. By default it is disabled.

To include collection sub navigation:
1. Create the menu in Online Store > Navigation
2. Within the theme editor, go to Collections
3. Locate the collection sub navigation section in the left menu
4. Select your menu

Once the menu is inserted, you can also set the top/bottom padding.

Collection grid

You can change the layout (number of columns) and specify whether to include sorting and filtering. You can also specify what product data is shown within the product cards (such as vendor and price).


Filters are enabled by default. Filters will display based on the filters you have specified in the Shopify Search & Discovery app. The type of filters you choose will depend on your products – common filters are size, material, fabric or gender. However, you can add any filter you require using product metafields.

Enable creative layouts

Enabling this feature allows you to set certain products to different sizes within the product grid. This is useful for making certain products stand out. Note: use this feature carefully - if care is not taken, it can result in unexpected layouts.

Two special size options are available. To make any product larger within the grid, add the following tags to the product:

Product will display full width (spanning all columns). A full width card can also include an excerpt (a short summary description). This can be useful for adding an editorial narrative to the product grid.

Product will display double width (i.e. on a four column layout the product will span two columns)

Note: if filters are applied, all products are rendered at standard size.

Collection images

You can insert up to three images into the product grid. This feature is useful for adding lifestyle images to the product grid. For each image, you can specify the position within the grid based on numerical order. i.e. setting the number to 1 will make the image appear before the first product.