Theme Documentation > Media collage

Media collage

Media collage

The Media collage section displays a grid of images and/or videos.


Margin Sets the left/right margin of the section.
Spacing Sets the space between images
Background Sets the background color of the section

Image and video blocks

By default, the section has two image blocks inserted. To add more image blocks or to add a video block, click “Add block”. To remove any block, hover over it and click the delete icon.

Note: All video in this section will autoplay and loop. Audio will be muted.

Within each image/video block you can specify:


Choose an image from your library of image files or upload a new image.


Choose a video file from your library of video files or upload a new video.


Choose 50% or 100% width.


Set the aspect ratio with a choice of:

  • Square

  • Landscape 16:9

  • Landscape 6:4

  • Portrait 4:6

  • Portrait 4:5

  • Adapt to image (the images natural aspect ratio will be used)

Position offset

Use this feature to get creative by applying an offset to the position of the image. You can set the vertical and horizontal position of the image.

This feature can be used to create overlapping images and other creative compositions.