Theme Documentation > Featured product

Featured product

Products Images Video Text

This section allows you to insert a section that’s focused on a single product, showcasing it with a video or image, and the associated product information (title, price etc). You can also include a Quick Buy button allowing a user to add the product to cart directly.


A number of ‘blocks’ are available to include depending on your preference or requirements. Title, Price and Buy buttons are included by default. Additional blocks can be added using the “Add block” button.

  • Caption
  • Title
  • Price
  • Description
  • SKU
  • Buy buttons
  • Custom liquid

Each block has relevant options for things like text alignment and font size. The Buy buttons block can be set to act as a link to the product or as a button to add to cart directly (note: the latter option only works if the product does not have multiple variants).


You can add a main image or video and an additional smaller image. This is perfect for combining lifestyle video or images with a more focused product image.

If you add a video, it will override the main image within the space.

You can set the aspect ratio of the media (image or video) using the options provided. You can also set the position of the main media to left or right of the page (applies to desktop only - on mobile the layout is always stacked).

For the secondary image you can set the size using the options provided.

The section includes a number of other options for text alignment, borders, padding, margins and color scheme.